At long last, here's the second chapter of Karakasa no Saien.
Mediafire Megaupload...and in other news, Ambiguous_Pazuma, the kind fellow who edited the first volume of Shokushu Hime, has decided to step down from the series I was doing with him. This means that Shitsurakuen and Shokushu Hime are in need of a replacement editor-type person.
Thanks for all the help, and I wish you the best.
...and in
other news, I'm dropping Uncassandra and Saitama Chainsaw Girl, as some other group wants to do it. Wahoo.
Expect Deus Ex Machina 8 to be out on either Monday or Tuesday since I have all but five pages done... I'll be doing the remaining chapters of volume 1 of Transistor Teaset once the next chapter of Onsen Wakusei is out... I also intend to get to Kampfer 5 and Mondlicht 6 before the end of the week.
There was some other stuff I had to say, but I'll save it for later seeing as how various things both on and offline have me in a particularly bad mood right now. -_-