If you're interested, email me at horobinomichi at gmail dot com.
Shiharu Genesis, by Kondoh Rururu

It's the happy fun-times moepocalypse story, but my editor for it seems to have vanished. As such, a new challenger is needed if I'm to continue with this series.
L-size Little Sister, by Yokoshima Takemaru

I haven't had much luck with this one... the fellows over at Sugooi seem to be having trouble or something, so a replacement editor's needed for the sister love story.
Gosick, by Sakuraba Kazuki and Amano Sakuya

This is the story of Kazuma, a Japanese boy who is going to a transfer school in the fictional European country of Sauveur during the early 1900s.
It's a nice mystery series, with very good art... magazine scans for the first two chapters are up on Share, but they dried up after that... however, I bought the volume for the sole purpose of having access to raws past that point.
But as always, I need an editor to actually do anything substantial. :/
I got 2 chapter of Bro-con via emule:
Chapter 1: http://www.mediafire.com/?3nlftvtwgwn
Chapter 2: http://www.mediafire.com/?womwowjgjkz
I currently have chapters 3 and 4 translated, but I need someone to do the typesetting. If you're interested, throw me a line? Please?
Hey~I'm interested in it if you want my help.
I cleaned fairial garden chapter 4 for NCIS back then. It is almost finished, just missing a bit on one page. take a look if you want to use it. (NCIS allowed me to post it here)
i´m not sure if someone is scanlating it or not, cause i downloaded the manga n a full rar but only the first 2 chapters where translated, so i was thinking that if you want to release "el cazador de la bruja" you can translate it and i'll edit it, by the way, nice work on PURE marionation
my name is Dartan, I'll be waiting you reply
thanx for all the good manga and your hard work
I would be glad to edit the manga you need help on~!
erm....id love to read fairial garden.......soo.....can you please give me the linkz to the chapters you have translated?......thnx....(drake_875@yahoo.com)
I have experience using Neopaint to clear/edit/typeset ( this pc dont like photoshop) I can give you a hand with Watashi no Taisetsu na Tomodachi.
Contact me in bhaalcid(at)hotmail.com
Gurenki chp. 10 raw is out
please pick up kanokon, foolZrulz dropped it and nobody seem to want to do it cause the series was on tv, the manga is better and well, foolz sucks.
i don't mind learning to help with the editing stuff. i would like help work on Shiharu Genesis
Hey, I wonder if you'll let me help out with the cleaning and typesetting for L-size Little Sister. I'm a bit experienced with photoshop.
if you need help in editing i can help. i have knowledge in photoshop. and I'm starting to learn cleaning in mangas
you can message me here mehmeh0000@yahoo.com
Hi, I'll be more than happy to help with 'Shiharu Genesis' and 'Gurenki'. I can do a little photoshopping but not translating.
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