...and here's the long-awaited sixth chapter of Transistor Teaset, in which there's a detour of sorts...
As always, many thanks to sylfid for editing it.
Looking at what's left of the volume, this is going to be all kinds of fun to translate.
And by "fun," I mean "
Mediafire MegauploadIn other news, CANAAN has a surprising amount of yuriness, to the point where I was like "
AAGH GET A ROOM YOU TWO" while watching episode 9.
And then there's Liang Qi, who's like Soifon taken in the worst possible extreme...
...and then there's the
HYPER COMBO of Aquarion and Evangelion references that she made in episode ten, which in combination with the Zenigame Soulcrushing she caused in the scene immediately preceding that... graah.
......I hate you, Nasu.
...and that's enough rambling from me, Iori beckons.