Friday, January 29, 2010

Love Pheromone No.5 1

...and here's something new, the first chapter of Love Pheromone No.5.

It's stupid and fun and yuri, so check it out.

At the moment, this is just the interior pages. My scanner's too small to fit the cover stuff, so I'm going to have to poke around until I find someone with a larger one... I'll probably release a v2 or something when I do. >_<

Mediafire Megaupload

...and now, back to the soul-eating game that is Ookamikakushi. The damned thing's just about killed my productivity. ._.;;


Gummy said...

I guess I could understand why the title is called that. Anyways, thanks for this 4koma yuri manga. Only complaint from me is how is it considered a harem if she only has her eyes on one girl?

Natsuki said...

Thanks you for all your news releases but I think it's better to finish your others projects (Epitaph Mondlicht,Transistor Teaset... for example) than begin new (and too many) manga :/

Anyway, thanks a lot.

Anonymous said...

omg! so many release within 2 days! thanks for the hard work.

between, Natsuki, i think its impossible to finish all the other project as Epitaph is on hiatus and Mondlicht and Transistor Teaset raws are ongoing on vol 4 and vol 2 respectively. So its impossible to "finish" it as you say. But on my part, i really appreciated the variety.

balticbard said...

I love this one! I am so going to look out for it. Thank you so much for all of your stories. Thanks for the scans and translations. Makes me wish I could read Japanese! I love this one, its so corny and special; blond on pink! Keep it up, I am going to watch for this one.

Maou Zenigame said...

I'm assuming that she had no problems with messing around with everyone before Kana came around.

Witb the one editor/series way I do things, that wouldn't really help anything.

I could just sit down and run through an entire volume of Mondlicht or something, but there's still the editor's pace to keep into account. As such, I spread it out so as to be able to keep a decent pace of releases.

The delay in Transistor Teaset is entirely my own fault, though... I really need to get on that. ._.;;

women pheromones said...

Interesting pheromone just wondering how it really works? Anyway,thank you so much for this sharing this. :)


women pheromones said...

I am looking forward to your next post and will certainly visit your site more often now.
