Saturday, May 29, 2010

Love Pheromone No.5

...and here I am in Toronto, at Anime North... pretty good time overall, though I am kind of pissed that I'm going to miss the yuri panel on account of me being staff. >_<

But eh, can't win them all.

Today's release is something that I should have gotten out a long time ago, and the delay is entirely on me.

So here you go, the third chapter of Love Pheromone No.5.

Mediafire Megaupload


Anonymous said...

Awesome, I love LP n.5!
Thanks MZ.

Argent said...

Thanks mate! By the way hows the future looking for you? And by that I mean "How've you been?" and (more important than I'd like to admit) "How often should I check for updates?"

Anonymous said...

Still crazy and hilarious, I hope you have the time to translate chapter four soon!

Randa said...

thnx 4 another awesome release!
am beginning to like this manga ^^