Since I'll be gone for the next few days, you can expect that on either Sunday or Monday, depending on how exhausted I am when I get back.
I'm also about a fourth into the latest Gurenki chapter... the dialogue isn't too horrible(but there is a ton of it), so I should have that script done pretty soon too.
ゼニガメの探し方 (how to find a Zenigame)
I'll be wandering around the dealer's room mostly, and I'll probably go to a yuri panel if there is one.
Aside from that, I'll be playing children's card games in the Doubletree, most likely guarding the stairs during Masquerade, and I'll also be singing Strength at karaoke if things work out there. If not, it's the old standby. >_>;;
I'll be wandering around in a turtle print bandanner most of the time, either that or one with the design from Renji's tattoos from Bleach. So yeah, if you want to
Glad to have you back! Enjoy the Con. Just wanted to toss a note thanking you for the amazing work you've put into this site.
I hope the real life drama sorts itself out, that sort of stuff always drains me :( Good luck!
Nice that you are back, when send me the raws for ex machina or any other series you need. ^^
Hope you still remember me
give me an email at
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