Sunday, February 28, 2010

Oh, nervous breakdown!

Yeah, I know... it's been a while since I've put anything out.

A friend of mine got me hooked on Mabinogi a few weeks ago, which ate up my time like crazy... and once I got over the initial addiction to that, the situation around here degenerated into the absolute worst it's ever been.

Like, "Zenigame almost totally losing it" bad. ._.

So yeah, I apologize to everyone who's been waiting for new manga things, and especially to all my editors who I've left hanging as of late. I'd say that I'll get back on track once things get better here, but that honestly doesn't seem likely at this point... but I have gotten some progress on various scripts, and doing this does distract me from all the BS that I've been going through... long story short, I haven't forgotten about you all, and I'll get something out ASAP. (namely, Gurenki.)


HSMHK said...

Well hopefully whatever troubles you may have around you will lessen. =)

Also I hope you may please prioritize Shokushu Hime as well too... I've been looking forward to that manga the most here. T_T

Anonymous said...

Good to know you're still alive at least. Good luck with whatever you're up to.

Anonymous said...

i think you are dead LOL

Unknown said...

Oh.. I've been rather addicted to Mabinogi lately as well!! .. (What server do you play on if I may ask?)

Anonymous said...

welcome back .. thanks god that you r fine ^^
Good luck to you <3

Anonymous said...

why don't the people from binktopia scanlate embalming already?

why did you let go of it do you know how disappointing this is?

Gummy said...

@second Anon

Keep acting like that and he might not ever bother scanlating embalming ever again. Seriously, all your comments have been complaints.

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work, we are just grateful for your efforts, in whatever timely fashion works for you.

Anonymous said...

Ah, yes, Mabinogi. It is indeed very tempting, but it's not smart to become addicted to a MMORPG half-way through the school year. xD

visitorofaashittysite said...

Do you have any idea how it is to wait 6 months for chapters to be released and to see that scanlators are only taking care of shitty and stupid yuri mangas?

And I see that Zenigame does not give 2 cents about it anyway since he does not even respond to my messages ever since he said in January that they'll be released soon (now it's March).

Really it is a disappointment. But you're right I see that my posts are only complaints that get ignored... so at least Horobinomichi should drop the Embalming 11 that I keep seeing on the front page on the waiting list.
Cause it's a lie!

Unknown said...

STFU If you don't like the release rate learn japanese and read the raws.

Anonymous said...

It's okay, sometimes Real Life is the priority, but I'm certainly looking forward to a couple of your releases. :D

Anonymous said...

I play mabi too!

and dont worry man
real life is more
important than feelin
our lust for yuri mangas

Anonymous said...

Glad to see you're still alive. Keep up the good work and take your time when you need it. I'm perfectly fine with longer waiting times as long as I know that it's for the sake of your well-being.

Best wishes from germany.

Anonymous said...

can't wait for Gurenki - Creo the Crimson Crises <3
thanks in advance for prioritizing. i've seen the raws; good luck to ShiroAko if he's still the editor. go, go, go, go, go!!! fight-o!!!

Anonymous said...

@visitorofaashittysite: wtf chill out???? if you want to read it so badly why don't you just find a translator and edit the raws yourself HUH? besides, as far as i'm concerned this blog has prioritised yuri manga since it was made, and the people who follow this blog are mostly yuri lovers and embalming isn't yuri so go figre -_- god.

Anonymous said...

I happen to like yuri manga.....and its understandable that real life has to come first. If you have any complaints, then you can obviously do a better job than anyone here and should translate and edit yourself.

Anonymous said...

good luck man. that stuff sucks.

Anonymous said...

@visitorofaashittysite do you have any idea how it's like having people like you to cause scanlators to stop scanlating and dropping the series as a whole cause you were bitching about how they should prioritize stuff you want and not what the person scanlating feels like, causing others to suffer because of your selfishness and stupidity? Put up or shut up and do something useful if all you have to say is complain

Anonymous said...

Ah, Mabinogi is so very bad. I started playing recently too and no homework has gotten done, so I'm not surprised that you guys haven't been keeping things up. It's alright since its Mabi :)

Anonymous said...

Thank you in advance for Gurenki! I really like this series! Can't wait to read it! In a good way, the wait makes it the anticipation even higher for me. :)

Mari-e said...

Thanks for the info...

its been a while and i really miss your releases!! coz im looking forward to some new ones.....

I hope you guys get back up soon!!

Maou Zenigame said...

Thanks. And you won't have much longer to wait for the next Shokushu Hime chapter.

I'm on Mari server.

With one exception, the stuff on the sidebar is in the hands of the editors, and the release is entirely up to whenever they finish it. I've ignored your messages before, because you honestly piss me off. I could take an example from other groups and simply hold off on releasing it whenever it's finished simply becuase you're an irritating prick, but I won't since I like to think of myself as a nice person. So as it is, go learn how to read it yourself if you're too damned impatient.

@everyone else:
Thanks for all the kind words, they really do help.

Anonymous said...

I play Mabinogi as well. I'm a Mari server player. I like to keep in mind that if I'm usually busy, it doesn't hurt to leave the server for a few weeks. Your character will still get stronger even if you don't play apparently. Once you get Rank 1 Windmill everything comes into place regardless of how long or short you play.