Thursday, December 24, 2009

Sugar wa Otoshigoro 9

...and here's a Christmas treat, the ninth chapter of Sugar wa Otoshigoro.

It's pretty much the turning point of the series, so yay and fun and wahoo and all that.

Many thanks to boke for OCing, and the humans over at Animexis for editing.

Mediafire Megaupload

Ah, Hatanaka. You're so...... odd.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for your hard work
Merry X-Mas 2009

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas Zenigame and everyone else!

ninavan said...

thanks alot for this :D merry xmas!!!
...i wonder who that guy in the end was! can't wait for the continuation! @_@

Unknown said...

WB and happy holidays! Your hard work is always appreciated.

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas. Thanks!

Btw, Deus Ex Machina 12 when?

koyot3 said...

Thanks for your work and merry xmas! Hopefully the new year will alieve your troubles.

Yaya said...

This is awesome! Thanks!!

Anonymous said...

Thank for the work... will look forward to next chapter

Bikko said...

Just curious but is this series dropped?

Anonymous said...

Man, I don't really know what to say, but... well, thanks I guess. I really appreciate you taking the time to do this.

Parmesan said...

MOAR!! Please, more!

Thanks for releasing this!