Monday, July 12, 2010

Love Pheromone #5 4

New content is wanted, so new content is delivered...

Here be the fourth chapter of Love Pheromone No.5, courtesy of Conan. Sorry for taking forever. >_<

Mediafire Megaupload

So yeah, I'm working on more stuff, though I still have an email backlog of hell... feel free to mail me again if I haven't responded to any of you out there because I suck so much.

I'm currently out of town and intend to stay gone for at least the next week, so I'm without a fair bit of my usual materials... my hard copies are at home, and Gospel(my desktop)'s 25-inch widescreen monitor has freaking spoiled me with all that glorious SPACE... trying to do manga things on Chikage(my laptop)'s puny 17-inch monitor is a real chore in comparison.

But eh, working on stuff now.

Also trying to bumrush my way through the rest of Shukufuku no Campanella before the anime progresses too far... I've had the game since December and I am ashamed to not be done with it by now. -_-


NguyenSon said...

Thanks for your work, it's always appreciated.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the Release!

Anonymous said...

Yes, thank you!

Ayra said...

*reads in disbelief*

That whole serie is pretty whacked out. While I'm willing to apply suspension of disbelief (Like in Gakkou No Sensei that I happen love), this one is a bit too far out for my taste.

But thank you for the translation all the same :)

And yes, it's easy to get spoiled with computer screens... I have two monitors at work (Not 25 inches ones though!), and I sometime find myself wanting to put stuff in the second non-existent monitor at home.

The Ultimate Bystander said...

DOn't bother watching the anime of Campanella unless you want the anime to progress like the game....

M said...

thaks for the chapter!
