Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Nijipuri 06

Today we have chapter six of Nijipuri, in which Mihane pervs all over Reika and performs painful pro wrestling moves on Aoi.

So basically, a return to form. o/

Thanks to Antti for editing.

Mediafire Megaupload


NguyenSon said...

Thanks for your work.

Anonymous said...

loved it!
the chapter made me a bit confused but...Loved it!!!

thanks :) !!

Anonymous said...

πr², huh?
I think ⅔πr³ would've been a better approximate, hahaha.
The mangaka wasted a golden opportunity there.

Anonymous said...

Heh heh volume of half a sphere right? Boobies! But don't forget that manga is a 2d world. So pi r^2 is actually pretty appropriate.

Approximations aside, I love this series! I feel the same way about Aoi. She's definitely my favorite.

Thanks for all of these releases!

Anonymous said...

Thank You!!!!

Anonymous said...

thank you very much!!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for all your hard work! I can't wait for your next update. Keep up the good work and thanks again for all that you do.

Anonymous said...

HI! I just found your webpage, and wow, some great scanlations on some interesting manga I would never have seen before. I've been going through and reading them little by little. I just wanted to say THANK YOU for your great work. Look forward to the updates. Like "LL Sister" and Tenbin and many of the others. THANK YOU! :)