Saturday, February 14, 2009

PURE Marionation 8

And so, here's the closing chapter of the first volume of PURE Marionation. It's the obligatory beach trip chapter, so expect lots of bikini shots.

Ten chapters to go, and that's where the real highlights of the story are... so to those of you who have stuck around for this long, you're in for a treat.

Last week was kind of slow, so here's hoping that things will pick up again this week... naturally, I'll be doing my part as well.

Step 8:
Mediafire Megaupload

Volume 1:
Mediafire Megaupload


Anonymous said...

Thanks for another great chapter. ^^

erika said...

thanks for another chapter

Anonymous said...

woot! (:

Anonymous said...

Thanks a lot.

Gottta love the obligatory beach trip.

Anonymous said...

Awww... I'm so happy... the whole situation turned out good.

Anonymous said...

Thank you very much for your hard work.