Friday, March 27, 2009

Transistor Teaset 3

...and to top it all off, here's some more Transistor Teaset.

And it's a Sairi-focused chapter, to boot. o/

...yes, she is most definitely my favorite.

Mediafire Megaupload


Silver_Wolf said...

Thanks so much for this Maou!
And wow!
You sure have lots of released stuff this day!
I truly appreciate it.

Anonymous said...

Sairi's closet isn't even transparent, it has no walls...
Also, when she grows up and buys a car there's only one model worthy of her - the Tsuntsun car. Accept no substitutes.

That girl has awesome and win instead of blood going through her veins.

Gummy said...

Hehe, Akuma made a cameo from Street Fighter, jk.

Sairi is love. her jealously of Midori and for Suzu's affection is what made me like her. I also like Midori too, but I don't know who to root for since I like both of them, although I never want a maid or a wife like Midori, :). I can't wait for the second volume to come out.

Anonymous said...

Sairi all the way xD ; to be honest (and it may just be my opinion) she should have been the lead love interest, it would've made the overall story so much more interesting than what it is >_<

Anonymous said...

I like Midori! d:
Ahah, actually the whole story is good with all the characters.
I also love ANGST in stories.
And when one character loses to another! It's awesome. d:
It's even more awesome if it was my favorite characters that win. (:

Anonymous said...

Angst is okay but I don't like it when someone loses (unless it's a guy) and is sad :( I'd rather that everyone is happy~

Gummy said...

Well, not everyone gets a happy ending when love is involved, :(. I learn that the hard way by playing Aoishiro.

Unknown said...

I'm still waiting for any mainstream anime or manga to have a polygamy ending. I hope it comes within my lifetime. -"-

walro said...

I'm still adoring this one. The characters are lovable, and its a lot of fun.

I look forward to more. Thanks for the release.

Kevin said...

Thanks a lot for releasing this series, I just started reading it but I really loved it. Maids, Akihabara and build your own robots what the heck is not to love.